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Elvis Presley’s “Baby, What You Want Me To Do – Impromptu Jam”. Now that’s a song that evokes a very specific time and energy in American music history. Released in 1968, it wasn’t a single or even a planned performance. It was pure, unadulterated Elvis, a lightning strike captured in a bottle during the legendary ’68 Comeback Special.

The special itself was a pivotal moment in Presley’s career. After a string of commercially successful but critically derided Hollywood musicals, Elvis returned to his roots. He shed the glitzy costumes and staged choreography, opting for a more intimate setting with his longtime band. Scotty Moore was back on guitar, D.J. Fontana on drums, and Bill Black on bass – the core of the group that launched the young Elvis into superstardom.

“Baby, What You Want Me To Do” wasn’t even on the planned setlist. The story goes that after a particularly energetic performance, Elvis simply started strumming the opening chords of the 1956 blues standard. The band, with years of telepathic musical communication under their belts, instantly fell in with him. What followed was a masterclass in raw, unbridled rock and roll.

This “Impromptu Jam” version strips the song down to its core. Gone are the polished backing vocals and orchestral flourishes that adorned the original recording. In their place, we get the raw power of Elvis’s voice, a soulful rasp honed by years of gospel and R&B influences. Scotty Moore’s guitar work is phenomenal, weaving a bluesy counterpoint that perfectly complements Elvis’s vocals. D.J. Fontana’s drumming is all fire and fury, propelling the song forward with an infectious rhythm.

But what truly elevates this version is the interplay between Elvis and his band. It’s a conversation in music, a call and response that builds in intensity throughout the song. Elvis throws out a vocal line, and the band answers back, pushing him further with each exchange. This creates an electrifying atmosphere, a feeling that you’re witnessing something truly special, a moment where legendary musicians are reconnecting with their roots and rediscovering the pure joy of playing together.

“Baby, What You Want Me To Do – Impromptu Jam” isn’t just a song; it’s a testament to the power of live music. It’s a reminder of Elvis Presley’s undeniable charisma and the raw talent that made him a rock and roll icon. It’s a snapshot of a band that, even after years apart, could still come together and create magic. So, put on your headphones, crank up the volume, and prepare to be transported back to 1968, a time when the King was back in the building, and the music, as always, spoke for itself.
