
Ah, yes, Elvis Presley’s classic, “Any Way You Want Me”. Released in 1956, this track sits comfortably in the heart of the rock and roll revolution, a movement Elvis himself spearheaded. Backed by his legendary bandmates, Scotty Moore on guitar, Bill Black on bass, and D.J. Fontana on drums, “Any Way You Want Me” is a prime example of the infectious energy and youthful rebellion that captivated a generation.

While Elvis was known for his electrifying stage presence and suggestive dance moves, “Any Way You Want Me” takes a slightly different approach. Here, we see a softer side of the King. The song’s charm lies in its endearing devotion, a quality not often explored in the rock and roll world at the time.

Composed by songwriting duo Aaron Schroeder and Cliff Owens, the song presents a scenario where the singer completely surrenders himself to his love interest. The lyrics paint a picture of utter devotion: “In your hand my heart is clay, To take a mold as you may.” This vulnerability is a departure from the usual bravado associated with rock and roll, making “Any Way You Want Me” a standout track.

The song’s success is undeniable. Though it wasn’t released as a single, it became a fan favorite and a staple on Elvis’s live setlists. Its impact transcended the charts, becoming a cornerstone of the rock and roll ballad. “Any Way You Want Me” influenced countless artists who followed in Elvis’s footsteps, proving that rock and roll could be a vehicle for genuine emotional expression.

It’s important to consider the context in which “Any Way You Want Me” was released. 1956 was a pivotal year for American music. Elvis had already established himself as a cultural phenomenon, but rock and roll was still facing resistance from some corners of society. This song, with its themes of devotion and vulnerability, helped broaden the appeal of the genre. It demonstrated that rock and roll could be more than just rebellious noise; it could be a platform for expressing genuine emotions.

“Any Way You Want Me” stands as a testament to Elvis Presley’s versatility as a performer. While he could deliver high-octane rock anthems, he could also deliver a heartfelt ballad that resonated deeply with listeners. This song’s enduring popularity speaks to its ability to capture the essence of young love and devotion, a theme that continues to resonate across generations. So, when you hear the opening chords of “Any Way You Want Me,” prepare to be transported back to a simpler time, a time when a young Elvis Presley crooned his way into the hearts of millions, proving that rock and roll could be both rebellious and romantic.



“Any Way You Want Me (That’s How I Will Be)”

I’ll be a strong as a mountain,
Or weak as a willow tree,
Anyway you want me,
That’s how I will be.I’ll be a tame as a baby,
Or wild as the raging sea,
Anyway you want me,
That’s how I will be.In your hand my heart is clay,
To take a mold as you may.
I’m what you make me, you’ve only to take me,
And in your arms I will stay.I’ll be a fool or a wise man,
My darling you hold the key,
Yes, anyway you want me,
That’s how I will be,
I will be.