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Alright folks, gather ’round and lend me your ears. Today, we’re taking a deep dive into a song that might surprise some of you, but certainly holds a special place in the heart of the King himself, Elvis Presley. Released in 1966, “Life” isn’t your typical rock and roll burner or heart-stopping ballad that Elvis was known for. This tune falls under the umbrella of gospel, a genre that resonated deeply with Presley’s upbringing and personal beliefs.

Now, Elvis wasn’t a stranger to gospel music. In fact, his roots were firmly planted in the sounds of the Pentecostal church he frequented as a child in Tupelo, Mississippi. Those soulful melodies and powerful testimonies undoubtedly left a lasting impression. But by 1966, Elvis was already a decade into his meteoric rise to superstardom. He’d conquered the charts with rock and roll anthems like “Hound Dog” and “Jailhouse Rock,” captivated audiences with his electrifying stage presence, and even starred in a string of successful Hollywood films. So, why a gospel song at this point in his career?

Well, for starters, you have to remember that Elvis never strayed too far from his gospel foundation. Even in his most rockin’ tunes, you could often hear echoes of that soulful delivery and spiritual yearning. “Life” allowed him to fully embrace that side of his musicality. The song was produced by the legendary RCA staff producer Felton Jarvis, a man who had worked with Elvis on numerous occasions and understood the depth of the artist’s musical soul. Jarvis surrounded Elvis with a group of top-notch gospel musicians, creating a powerful and authentic soundscape for the King to deliver his message.

And what a message it is. “Life” is a thoughtful and introspective piece. It’s not a foot-stomping, hallelujah-shouting gospel anthem. Instead, it’s a gentle contemplation on the human condition, the fleeting nature of life, and the importance of faith. Elvis sings about the impermanence of material possessions and the enduring strength of love and belief. His voice, stripped of its usual rock and roll swagger, takes on a sincere and vulnerable tone, conveying a depth of emotion that often went unnoticed beneath the glitz and glam of his rockstar persona.

“Life” wasn’t a chart-topping hit for Elvis, but its impact goes far beyond commercial success. It stands as a testament to the versatility of the King, showcasing his ability to not only captivate audiences with his rock and roll energy but also touch their hearts with his soulful gospel delivery. So, put aside any preconceived notions you might have about Elvis, and prepare to be surprised by the sincerity and musical depth of this often-overlooked gem.




Somewhere out in empty space,
long before the human race,
Something stirred,
A vast and timeless source began,
Intelligence was born and then,
there was the world,
Powers filled the universe,
matter formed and broke the curse,
Of nothingness,
Love became an ageless soul,
nature reached her highest goal,
And breathed the breath of life,
Everlasting life.
Well creatures come from out of sight,
Daylight came from in the night,
and all was good,
Life became a masterplan,
Love produced the perfect man,
that understood,
The image of the makers word,
worshipped him with all he had,
But then one day,
From in the depths an evil seed,
grew and manufactured greed,
That changed the way of life,
Everlasting life,
Oh the loving power looked and saw,
Inside the heart of man a flaw,
began to grow,
Well, the fires of hell began to burn,
and so he sent his chosen son,
To let us know,
That love had surely made us all,
and hate would surely make us fall,
So from the cross,
Well he showed the world that dreadful day,
That love could be the only way,
or all is lost of life,
Everlasting life,
For life is love,
And love is life.