“Summer Kisses, Winter Tears” is a poignant ballad recorded by Elvis Presley on August 8, 1960. The song was written by Fred Wise, Jack Lloyd, and Ben Weisman, a team known for their contributions to Elvis’s musical repertoire. Originally intended for the soundtrack of the film Flaming Star, the song was ultimately excluded from the final cut but later appeared on various compilations, making it a cherished piece among fans.
The song captures a bittersweet narrative of love and longing, reflective of Elvis’s ability to convey deep emotion through his voice. Accompanied by The Jordanaires, his backing group, the arrangement blends a gentle rhythm with heartfelt lyrics, characteristic of Elvis’s ballads during this era. The song was initially released in Europe on the 1965 compilation Elvis for Everyone! and later gained wider recognition through reissues.
“Summer Kisses, Winter Tears” has been praised for its atmospheric quality, evoking a sense of nostalgia and melancholy. Its timeless appeal has inspired various covers, including notable versions by Julee Cruise and The Blackeyed Susans, which underscore its enduring resonance across genres and generations.
This track highlights the transitional phase in Elvis’s career, as he shifted from rock ‘n’ roll pioneer to a more mature and versatile artist. Though not as widely known as some of his other works, it remains a favorite among devoted fans and collectors, exemplifying his unparalleled ability to connect with listeners on an emotional level.
“Summer Kisses, Winter Tears”
That was what she gave to me
Never thought I’d travel all alone
The trail of memoriesHappy hours, lonely years
But I guess I can’t complain
For I still recall the summer sun
Through all the winter rain
The fire of love, the fire of love
Can burn from afar
And nothing can light the dark of the night
Like a falling star
Summer kisses, winter tears
Like the stars they fade away
Leaving me to spend my lonely nights
With dreams of yesterday
The fire of love, the fire of love
Can burn from afar
And nothing can light the dark of the night
Like a falling star
Summer kisses, winter tears
Like the stars they fade away
Leaving me to spend my lonely nights
With dreams of yesterday
Leaving me to spend my lonely nights
With dreams of yesterday
Summer kisses, winter tears