“You’ll Think of Me” is a heartfelt ballad recorded by Elvis Presley during his renowned 1969 Memphis sessions, which marked a creative and professional resurgence in his career. Written by Mort Shuman, the track was initially released as the B-side to the iconic single “Suspicious Minds” in 1969. The song reflects themes of heartbreak, resilience, and eventual self-empowerment as it narrates the emotional journey of someone overcoming the pain of a failed relationship.
The musical arrangement is understated but deeply moving, combining soft acoustic guitar with subtle strings to create an atmosphere of melancholy and introspection. This minimalist production highlights Elvis’s vocal performance, which transitions seamlessly between vulnerability and quiet strength. His delivery imbues the track with both sorrow and defiance, offering a relatable narrative of personal growth and self-worth.
While “You’ll Think of Me” initially played a supporting role as a B-side, it has since gained recognition for its emotional depth and artistry. The song exemplifies the maturity and introspection characteristic of Elvis’s late 1960s work, a period often considered one of his artistic peaks. Fans and critics alike appreciate its nuanced storytelling and powerful message of resilience. This track continues to resonate with audiences, standing as a testament to Elvis’s enduring ability to connect with the complexities of human emotion.
“You’ll Think Of Me”
There’s something deep inside my soul keeps calling me
The winter wind girl, will not deceive you
And in your cold and empty bed, you’ll think of me, oh yes
You’ll think of meYou’ll see me coming, you’ll see me going
Don’t ask me why, I’m just the kind needs to be free
Just like that outlaw wind keeps on a-blowin’
Yeah, in your cold and empty bed, you’ll think of me, oh yes
You’ll think of me
Now I know you loved me just like I wanted
I know you’d follow me across an endless sea
But baby I’ve got a heart that’s haunted
Yeah, in your cold and empty bed, you’ll think of me, oh yes
You’ll think of me
Ah but you should know girl that I’ll be crying
Out on that lonely road where not a soul can see
I’ll shed my tears for a love that’s dying
Yeah, in your cold and empty bed, you’ll think of me, oh yes
You’ll think of me
The summer sun girl will bring a stranger
And he’ll be better to you than I used to be
And when he takes you into his arms girl
Well, in your warm and loving bed, you won’t think of me, no, no
You won’t think of me
Then in your warm and loving bed, you won’t think of me, no, no
You won’t think of me