“Away in a Manger” is a cherished Christmas carol that has been embraced by generations for its gentle melody and heartfelt depiction of the Nativity scene. The song originated in the late 19th century, with its first known publication appearing in 1882. Despite early attributions to German reformer Martin Luther, extensive research has debunked this claim, establishing the carol as an American creation. The lyrics have been set to various melodies over time, with the two most prominent being “Mueller,” composed by James R. Murray in 1887, and “Cradle Song,” composed by William J. Kirkpatrick in 1895.
Renowned country artist Alan Jackson included his rendition of “Away in a Manger” on his second Christmas album, “Let It Be Christmas,” released on October 22, 2002, by Arista Nashville. This album features Jackson’s interpretations of traditional Christmas songs, showcasing his signature blend of country and holiday music. “Let It Be Christmas” achieved commercial success, peaking at No. 27 on the U.S. Billboard 200 and No. 6 on the Top Country Albums chart. In January 2003, it was certified Gold by the Recording Industry Association of America (RIAA), signifying over 500,000 units sold.
Alan Jackson’s rendition of “Away in a Manger” exemplifies his ability to infuse classic songs with a warm, country flair, contributing to the enduring popularity of this timeless carol during the holiday season.