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Elvis Presley’sWisdom of the Ages” is a captivating ballad that encapsulates the essence of life’s lessons, urging listeners to cherish each moment and live with purpose. Released in 1965 as part of the soundtrack for the film Harum Scarum, this song stands out as a poignant reflection on the passage of time and the importance of seizing opportunities.

The track’s melodic beauty and Presley’s soulful vocals create a captivating atmosphere that invites introspection. The lyrics, penned by Bill Giant, Bernie Baum, and Florence Kaye, offer timeless advice, urging listeners to heed the wisdom of the ages and live each day as if it were their last. The song’s message resonates deeply with audiences, reminding us of the fleeting nature of life and the importance of making the most of our time.  

“Wisdom of the Ages” is a departure from the upbeat rock and roll anthems that had propelled Presley to stardom. Instead, it showcases his versatility as an artist, demonstrating his ability to deliver heartfelt ballads with equal conviction. The song’s introspective nature and timeless message have solidified its place in the Elvis Presley canon, earning it a dedicated following among fans and music enthusiasts alike.

While the film Harum Scarum itself may have been overshadowed by Presley’s earlier cinematic successes, “Wisdom of the Ages” remains a standout track that has endured the test of time. Its enduring popularity is a testament to the song’s universal appeal and the enduring legacy of Elvis Presley.



“Wisdom Of The Ages”
(from “Harum Scarum” soundtrack)

Listen, to the wisdom of the ages
Listen, to the words of many sagesLive each day, as if it were your last
It’s written in the stars, your destiny is cast
And that hourglass, runs too fast no doubt
For the sands of time are running out

Listen, to the wisdom of the ages
These words, can be found in history’s pages

Live each day, for happiness can’t wait
And love while you may, but heed the hand of fate
If the finger points, it’s too late no doubt
For the sands of time, are running out
But the man who turns, and escapes somehow

Is the wisest of men
And to such a man, I’d bow