“A Little Bit of Green” is a poignant ballad recorded by Elvis Presley on January 14, 1969, during his transformative sessions at American Sound Studio in Memphis. Written by Chris Arnold, David Martin, and Geoff Morrow, the song delves into the emotional complexities of lost love and the heartache of seeing a former partner with someone new.
These 1969 recording sessions marked a significant period in Presley’s career, as he returned to Memphis to collaborate with producer Chips Moman and the studio’s accomplished house band. This collaboration resulted in some of the most critically acclaimed work of his career, revitalizing his musical direction after a series of less impactful soundtrack recordings.
“A Little Bit of Green” was initially released in October 1969 on the album “From Memphis to Vegas / From Vegas to Memphis,” specifically on the “Back in Memphis” LP.
The song showcases Presley’s vocal depth, capturing the nuances of heartbreak and jealousy. The arrangement features contributions from notable musicians, including Reggie Young on guitar and sitar, Tommy Cogbill and Mike Leech on bass, and Gene Chrisman on drums, creating a rich musical backdrop that complements the song’s emotive lyrics.
While not released as a single, “A Little Bit of Green” has been appreciated by fans and critics for its soulful delivery and the authenticity Presley brings to the performance. The song reflects the artistic resurgence Presley experienced during this period, highlighting his ability to convey deep emotion and connect with listeners through his music.
The 1969 Memphis sessions were pivotal, yielding other significant tracks such as “In the Ghetto,” “Suspicious Minds,” and “Don’t Cry Daddy,” all of which contributed to a renewed phase in Presley’s career, reaffirming his status as a leading figure in the music industry.
“A Little Bit of Green” remains a testament to Elvis Presley’s enduring talent and his commitment to artistic expression, standing as a memorable piece within his extensive catalog.