“A Man Who Never Cries” is a poignant track by American country artist Alan Jackson, featured on his twenty-first studio album, Where Have You Gone, released on May 14, 2021. This album marked Jackson’s return after a six-year hiatus since his 2015 release, Angels and Alcohol.
The song delves into the internal struggles of a man who finds it challenging to express vulnerability, reflecting Jackson’s signature storytelling style that resonates with authenticity and emotional depth. Upon first hearing the rough mix of “A Man Who Never Cries,” Jackson was deeply moved, recalling, “I was driving in my truck down River Road and, man, I about teared up. I thought I’d have to pull the truck over.”
The inspiration for this song came from a conversation with fellow country artist Caylee Hammack. During a discussion about songwriting, Hammack shared a personal story about her father, which resonated with Jackson and influenced the creation of “A Man Who Never Cries.”
In the production of Where Have You Gone, Jackson collaborated with long-time producer Keith Stegall and a group of esteemed Nashville musicians, including steel guitar legend Paul Franklin, guitarist Brent Mason, drummer Eddie Bayers, and fiddler Stuart Duncan. Their contributions provided a rich, traditional country sound that complements the song’s heartfelt lyrics.
“A Man Who Never Cries” stands out as a testament to Jackson’s ability to convey profound emotions through his music, offering listeners a glimpse into the complexities of stoicism and the human experience. The song has been praised for its authenticity and the way it captures the essence of traditional country music, a hallmark of Jackson’s illustrious career.