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Ah, yes, Alan Jackson’s “The Older I Get”. Released in 2017, this gem of a song marked a significant moment in Jackson’s career. Here we have a country music veteran, a true giant of the genre with a voice instantly recognizable to millions, gracing us with a song that reflects not just on his own journey, but on the universal experience of aging.

Jackson, of course, needs no introduction. Since the late 1980s, his deep baritone and knack for storytelling have captivated audiences. He’s a traditionalist at heart, a songwriter who champions the values of rural America, of faith, family, and the simple joys of life. But within that traditional framework, Jackson has always possessed a remarkable ability to tap into the complexities of the human experience.

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“The Older I Get” arrived at a particularly interesting time for Jackson. He was nearing the milestone of his induction into the Country Music Hall of Fame, a recognition of his immense influence on the genre. This song, then, feels almost like a retrospective, a chance for Jackson to take stock of his life and career through the lens of aging.

It’s important to note that the songwriters behind the track aren’t Jackson himself, but rather Adam Wright, Hailey Whitters, and Sarah Allison Turner. This youthful perspective on aging is a fascinating choice. One might expect a song by a seasoned artist like Jackson to be melancholic, filled with regrets of the past. However, “The Older I Get” surprises us with its upbeat tempo and optimistic outlook.

The production here is pure, classic country. Acoustic guitar strums set the pace, while a fiddle weaves in and out, adding a touch of nostalgia. The overall sound is warm and inviting, perfectly complementing Jackson’s signature vocals.

“The Older I Get” wasn’t a chart-topping smash hit, but it resonated deeply with fans. Perhaps it’s because the song speaks to a truth we all confront: the passage of time and the changes it brings. Jackson, with his folksy charm and that comforting voice, assures us that growing older isn’t something to be feared. It’s a chance to appreciate the wisdom gained, the relationships nurtured, and the simple beauty of life’s journey.



“The Older I Get”
The older I get
The more I think
You only get a minute
Better live while you’re in it
‘Cause it’s gone in a blinkAnd the older I get
The truer it is
It’s the people you love
Not the money and stuff
That makes you richAnd if they found a fountain of youth
I wouldn’t drink a drop
And that’s the truth
Funny how it feels I’m just gettin’ to
My best years yetThe older I get
The fewer friends I have
But you don’t need a lot
When the ones that you’ve got
Have always got your backAnd the older I get
The better I am
At knowing when to give
And when to just not give a damn

And if they found a fountain of youth
I wouldn’t drink a drop
And that’s the truth
Funny how it feels I’m just gettin’ to
My best years yet
The older I get

And I don’t mind all the lines
From all the times
I’ve laughed and cried
Souvenirs and little signs
Of the life I’ve lived

The older I get
The longer I pray
I don’t know why
I guess that I’ve got more to say
And the older I get
The more thankful I feel
For the life I’ve had
And all the life I’m living still