Racing the Dark is a poignant country ballad by the esteemed singer-songwriter, Alan Jackson. Released in 2021, the song showcases Jackson’s signature heartfelt vocals and his ability to craft deeply personal narratives. Produced by Keith Stegall, a longtime collaborator of Jackson’s, “Racing the Dark” is a departure from the upbeat tempos often associated with country music, opting instead for a more introspective and melancholic tone.
The song delves into themes of heartbreak, healing, and the complexities of human emotion. Jackson’s evocative lyrics paint a vivid picture of a woman on a journey of self-discovery, grappling with the aftermath of a painful breakup. With raw honesty, he captures the loneliness and vulnerability experienced during such a challenging period.
“Racing the Dark” garnered critical acclaim for its lyrical depth and emotional resonance. While it didn’t achieve the same chart-topping success as some of Jackson’s earlier hits, the song resonated with fans and established itself as a standout track in his extensive discography. It showcased Jackson’s enduring talent as a storyteller and solidified his position as one of country music’s most respected and enduring artists.
“Racing The Dark”
There’s a red outline where that diamond used to be
Another time-stamped love ends in casualty
A one-bedroom apartment is now her greatest fear
As the crash of all the memories ring from ear to earAnd she’d headed north out of Savannah
Stretching her pride and gasoline
Heart is empty as that red gauge
Asking God to help her see
Why he took her there
Why he broke her heart
Where the wheels will stop
And the healing starts
Chasing I-95
And racing the darkIt’s been two years now, she’s just starting to see
Her life is hers again and who she’s gonna be
She’s so used to running, can’t get nowhere sitting still
In the silence of the morning, she feels his love and always willAnd she’d headed Southbound towards Savannah
Stretching her pride and gasoline
Heart is empty as that red gauge
Asking God to help her see
Why to go back there
When she comes so far
If she really stops
Will the healing’ start
Chasing I-95
And racing the darkThere’s a red outline where some roses used to be
Even standing there, she still can’t believe
She never saw it coming, thought she’d be the one to leave
She whispers, “I love you,” and falls down on her kneesAnd now she’s back home in Savannah
Making friends with memories
Her heart is fragile but it’s open
Thanking God He helped her see
Why He took her there
How He’ll heal her heart
When her running stops
So her life can start
Right off I-95
And facing the darkRight off I-95
And facing the dark