“Racing the Dark” is a deeply personal song performed by country music legend Alan Jackson. The track, released in 2021, was co-written by Alan and his eldest daughter, Mattie Jackson Selecman, as a companion piece to her memoir, Lemons on Friday. This poignant book chronicles Mattie’s journey through grief and healing following the tragic loss of her husband, Ben Selecman, just 11 months after their wedding.
The song and the memoir were released together, with “Racing the Dark” available as an exclusive download for those who pre-ordered the book. The collaboration marked the first time Alan and Mattie co-wrote a song, blending his seasoned songwriting expertise with her deeply personal reflections. The track encapsulates themes of loss, perseverance, and hope, resonating with the emotional depth of the memoir. It stands as a tribute to Mattie’s resilience and the strength of their familial bond.
In addition to the song, Lemons on Friday features insights from the Jackson family, including a foreword by Alan and his wife, Denise. The book and the song together highlight the importance of faith and family in navigating life’s darkest moments, offering inspiration to readers and listeners alike. The collaboration underscores Alan’s legacy as a storyteller, now extending to his family’s narratives.
“Racing The Dark”
Another time-stamped love ends in casualty
A one-bedroom apartment is now her greatest fear
As the crash of all the memories ring from ear to earAnd she’d headed north out of Savannah
Stretching her pride and gasoline
Heart is empty as that red gauge
Asking God to help her see
Why he took her there
Why he broke her heart
Where the wheels will stop
And the healing starts
Chasing I-95
And racing the dark
It’s been two years now, she’s just starting to see
Her life is hers again and who she’s gonna be
She’s so used to running, can’t get nowhere sitting still
In the silence of the morning, she feels his love and always will
And she’d headed Southbound towards Savannah
Stretching her pride and gasoline
Heart is empty as that red gauge
Asking God to help her see
Why to go back there
When she comes so far
If she really stops
Will the healing’ start
Chasing I-95
And racing the dark
There’s a red outline where some roses used to be
Even standing there, she still can’t believe
She never saw it coming, thought she’d be the one to leave
She whispers, “I love you,” and falls down on her knees
And now she’s back home in Savannah
Making friends with memories
Her heart is fragile but it’s open
Thanking God He helped her see
Why He took her there
How He’ll heal her heart
When her running stops
So her life can start
Right off I-95
And facing the dark
Right off I-95
And facing the dark