“One Minute Woman” is a poignant ballad by the Bee Gees, featured on their debut album, Bee Gees’ 1st, released in 1967. The song showcases the Gibb brothers’ early songwriting prowess and their harmonious vocal blend.
The lyrics of “One Minute Woman” express the confusion and longing of a man who is not receiving reciprocal affection from the woman he loves. He is unable to comprehend why she does not want his hand and is trying to decipher what may be on her mind. The chorus emphasizes his desperation to understand why she is not in love with him. The song reflects on the feelings of helplessness and despair that arise when love is not reciprocated.
Musically, the track is characterized by its melodic structure and the Gibb brothers’ distinctive harmonies. The song’s arrangement complements its heartfelt lyrics, creating a compelling listening experience.
“One Minute Woman” was recorded at IBC Studios in London in February 1967. The song was not released as a single but contributed to the album’s success, which reached number seven on the UK Albums Chart. The Bee Gees’ debut album marked the beginning of their illustrious career, setting the stage for their future hits and enduring influence in the music industry.
Over the years, “One Minute Woman” has been appreciated by fans and critics alike for its emotional depth and the early demonstration of the Bee Gees’ songwriting and vocal talents. The song remains a testament to the Gibb brothers’ ability to convey complex emotions through their music.