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“Blue Eyes Crying in the Rain,” written by Fred Rose, is a poignant country song that gained widespread recognition through Willie Nelson’s 1975 rendition on his album Red Headed Stranger. Elvis Presley recorded his version of the song during his final studio sessions in the Jungle Room at Graceland in February 1976. Notably, this track is remembered as the last song Elvis sang, played on a piano at Graceland, shortly before his death in August 1977​.

Elvis’s interpretation of “Blue Eyes Crying in the Rain” reflects his deep emotional connection to the song’s themes of love, loss, and longing. His version complements the reflective and mournful qualities of the original while adding his signature vocal style, characterized by a mix of tenderness and power. The song appears on Elvis’s posthumously released album Moody Blue, which combined studio recordings with live tracks and marked the end of his illustrious career​.

While the song had already achieved fame through earlier renditions, Elvis’s version added a new dimension of poignancy, given the timing of its release and the circumstances surrounding his passing. Its legacy endures as a testament to Elvis’s ability to bring a unique emotional depth to the music he performed.



“Blue Eyes Crying In The Rain”

In the twilight glow I see her
Blue eyes crying in the rain
When we kissed goodbye and parted
I knew we’d never meet againLove is like a dying ember
Only memories remain
Through the ages I remember
Blue eyes crying in the rain

Someday when we meet up yonder
We’ll stroll hand in hand again
In a land that knows no parting
Blue eyes crying in the rain

Blue eyes crying in the rain
Blue eyes crying in the rain
Blue eyes crying in the rain
Blue eyes crying in the rain
Blue eyes crying in the rain