“Blueberry Hill” is a classic song famously recorded by Elvis Presley on January 19, 1957, at Radio Recorders studio in Hollywood. Originally composed by Vincent Rose with lyrics by Al Lewis and Larry Stock, the song gained widespread popularity in the 1950s, most notably through Fats Domino’s version. Elvis Presley’s interpretation brought his unique vocal styling and rock ‘n’ roll charisma to the track, cementing its legacy in his catalog.
This recording featured a stellar lineup of musicians, including Scotty Moore on guitar, Bill Black on bass, and D.J. Fontana on drums. Dudley Brooks played piano, and Hoyt Hawkins contributed on the organ. Vocal harmonies were provided by The Jordanaires, a key element in many of Elvis’s 1950s recordings. Presley’s version is characterized by its smooth yet dynamic delivery, blending rhythm and blues with his distinctive rockabilly influence.
While Presley’s “Blueberry Hill” was included in the expansive compilation The King of Rock ‘n’ Roll: The Complete 50’s Masters released in 1992, it also became a beloved piece of his live performance repertoire. This track reflects Elvis’s ability to infuse emotion and energy into songs that bridged genres, a hallmark of his enduring influence on music history.