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Now, let’s set the scene, folks. It’s 1968, and the cultural landscape is a whirlwind. Rock and roll, the genre that Elvis Presley himself pioneered a decade prior, is facing a fascinating evolution. Bands like The Beatles and The Rolling Stones are pushing the boundaries of sound and songwriting, and the king himself? Well, the king is ready to reclaim his throne.

Enter Elvis Presley’s ‘Baby, What You Want Me To Do – Impromptu Jam’, a powerhouse of a performance that not only reignited Elvis’ career but also served as a testament to his enduring charisma and raw musical talent. This wasn’t a studio-polished ballad, mind you. This was Elvis, stripped bare, surrounded by his trusted band members Scotty Moore on guitar, D.J. Fontana on drums, and Charlie Hodge on bass, laying down some pure, unadulterated rock and roll magic.

The song itself, originally a bluesy shuffle recorded by Jimmy Reed in 1959, became a springboard for Elvis’ improvisation. It’s a masterclass in letting loose, in trusting the energy of the moment and the interplay between musicians. Presley, known for his smooth vocals and electrifying stage presence, sheds any pretense here. He throws himself into the song, his voice raw and urgent, punctuated by playful growls and impassioned pleas. The band, fueled by this raw energy, responds in kind. Scotty Moore’s guitar licks weave a spellbinding counterpoint, D.J. Fontana’s drumming lays down a relentless groove, and Charlie Hodge’s bass provides a rock-solid foundation.

This impromptu jam wasn’t planned for the ’68 Comeback Special’, the television program that marked Elvis’ return to live performance after a period focusing on Hollywood films. The story goes that after a particularly energetic run-through of “Guitar Man,” Elvis, brimming with creative fire, simply didn’t want the momentum to stop. With a quick nod to the band, they segued seamlessly into “Baby, What You Want Me To Do,” transforming it from a blues standard into a white-hot rock and roll scorcher.

The impact of this impromptu jam was undeniable. It served as a pivotal moment in the special, showcasing a revitalized Elvis, one who hadn’t lost his edge, his ability to connect with an audience on a primal level. ‘Baby, What You Want Me To Do – Impromptu Jam’ became a cornerstone of the ’68 Comeback Special’, a testament to Elvis’ enduring legacy and a reminder that sometimes, the most electrifying moments in music are those that are unplanned, raw, and fueled by pure, unadulterated passion.



“Baby, What You Want Me To Do”
(from “Elvis (NBC TV Special)” soundtrack)

We’re goin’ up, we’re goin’ down
We’re goin’ up, down down up
Any way you wanna let it roll
Yeah, yeah, yeah
You got me doin’ what you want me
Oh baby what you want me to doYou got me peepin’ you got me hidin’
You got me peep hide hide peep
Any way you wanna let it roll
Yeah yeah yeah
You got me doin’ what you want me
Baby what you want me to do