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Ah, yes, Elvis Presley’s Lead Me, Guide Me. Released in 1972, this gospel gem nestled itself comfortably within the album He Touched Me. Now, for those unfamiliar with the King’s later years, this period saw a beautiful artistic maturity. The electrifying rockabilly that launched him into superstardom had softened somewhat, but the raw power of his voice remained. Lead Me, Guide Me perfectly exemplifies this transformation.

Composed by Doris Akers, the song is a testament to faith. It’s a simple plea, a soulful request for divine guidance on life’s path. Elvis, a man who’d experienced both meteoric highs and personal struggles, pours his heart into the vocals. There’s a vulnerability present, a yearning for solace that resonates deeply with the listener.

The production by Felton Jarvis, a longtime collaborator of Elvis’, is understated yet powerful. The gentle strum of acoustic guitars lays the foundation, punctuated by the steady beat of drums and the occasional flourish of piano. A soulful backing choir adds depth and emotion, their harmonies weaving seamlessly with Elvis’s impassioned delivery. It’s a testament to Jarvis’s skill that the arrangement never overpowers the raw emotion of the song. It serves as a perfect frame for Elvis’s vocal tapestry.

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Lead Me, Guide Me wasn’t a chart-topping smash hit, but its influence and impact are undeniable. It became a beloved standard within the gospel music community, a song embraced for its sincerity and heartfelt message. For Elvis fans, it offered a glimpse into his spiritual side, a reminder of the depth and complexity of the man behind the legend.

There’s a particular moment in the song that always gives me chills. Right after the second chorus, the music dips down, leaving just Elvis and a lone piano. He delivers the line, “I stumble and I fall, Lord, lead me all the way” with such raw vulnerability, it takes your breath away. In that single moment, you hear not just the King of Rock and Roll, but a man seeking solace and direction, just like any one of us.

Lead Me, Guide Me stands as a testament to Elvis Presley’s enduring legacy. It’s a song that transcends genre, a timeless plea for guidance that continues to resonate with listeners of all ages and backgrounds. It’s a quiet gem in a vast catalog, a song that reminds us of the depth and power of Elvis’s artistry, even in his later years.



“Lead Me, Guide Me”
Lead me oh Lord, won’t you lead me
I am tired and I need Thy strength and power
To guide me over my darkest hour
For just open my eyes that I may see
Lead me oh Lord, won’t you lead meLead me, guide me along the way
For if you lead me I cannot stray
Or just open my eyes that I may see
Lead me oh Lord, won’t you lead me
I am lost if you take your hand from me
I am blind without try light to see

Lord just always let me Thy servant be
Lead me oh Lord, won’t you lead me
Lead me, guide me along the way
For if you lead me I cannot stray

Lord just open my eyes that I may see
Lead me oh Lord, won’t you lead me