In 1965, amidst a string of commercially successful Hollywood musicals, Elvis Presley recorded “Puppet on a String” for the film Girl Happy. The song, a rock and roll ballad, marked a slight departure from the energetic and comedic tunes that dominated these soundtracks. Written by songwriting duo Sid Tepper and Roy C. Bennett, “Puppet on a String” was produced by Felton Jarvis.
While Presley’s soundtracks of the mid-1960s were known for their lighthearted and formulaic approach, “Puppet on a String” presented a more introspective and melancholic theme. The lyrics delve into the complexities of a relationship, portraying a man feeling controlled and manipulated by his partner. The metaphor of a puppet on a string effectively captures this sense of being out of control and stuck in a dynamic that feels predetermined.
Despite the somber subject matter, “Puppet on a String” doesn’t completely abandon Presley’s signature sound. The catchy melody and driving rock beat characteristic of his music are still present, creating an interesting juxtaposition between the upbeat musical arrangement and the downbeat lyrics.
“Puppet on a String” achieved moderate commercial success, reaching number 16 on the Billboard Hot 100 chart. However, the song’s critical reception was mixed. Some reviewers praised its emotional depth** and departure from the usual formula, while others found it uncharacteristic of Presley’s strengths.
In the years since its release, “Puppet on a String” has gained a cult following among Elvis fans. Many appreciate its raw vulnerability** and underrated musicality. The song stands out as a unique moment in Presley’s filmography, showcasing his ability to deliver a powerful performance beyond the confines of the lighthearted soundtrack format. Although it may not be one of his biggest hits, “Puppet on a String” remains a fascinating glimpse into a different side of the King of Rock and Roll.
“Puppet On A String”
(from “Girl Happy” soundtrack)
I’m as helpless as can be
I become a puppet on a string
You can do ‘most anything with me
All you do is touch my hand
And your wish is my command
I become a puppet on a string
You can do ‘most anything with me
If you really love me
Darling please be kind
I offer you the truest love
That you will ever find
Take my heart and please be fair
Handle it with loving care
For I’m just a puppet on a string
You can do ‘most anything with me
If you really love me
Darling please be kind
I offer you the truest love
That you will ever find
Take my heart and please be fair
Handle it with loving care
For I’m just a puppet on a string
You can do ‘most anything with me
You can do ‘most anything with me