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Misery and Gin is a poignant and raw country ballad by the legendary Merle Haggard. Released in 1980 as part of his album Back to the Barrooms, the song delves into the depths of despair and addiction with a haunting honesty that resonated deeply with audiences.

A master storyteller, Haggard crafts a narrative of a man trapped in a cycle of self-destruction, finding solace only in the bottle. With his distinctive baritone voice and impeccable phrasing, he paints a vivid picture of loneliness and regret. The song’s lyrics, filled with stark imagery and unflinching realism, captured the essence of the working-class struggles that were a hallmark of Haggard’s music.

Singer and musician Merle Haggard performs, Champaign, Illinois, September 22, 1985.

Produced by Merle Haggard himself, “Misery and Gin” showcases his talent as both a songwriter and producer. The stripped-down instrumentation, featuring steel guitar and acoustic guitar, creates a somber and intimate atmosphere that perfectly complements the song’s emotional weight.

While the song did not achieve the same commercial success as some of Haggard’s earlier hits, it solidified his reputation as a fearless and authentic artist. “Misery and Gin” remains a beloved track among country music fans and is often cited as one of Haggard’s most powerful and heartfelt performances.



“Misery And Gin”

Memories and drinks don’t mix too well
And jukebox records don’t play those wedding bells
Looking at the world through the bottom of a glass
All I see is a man who’s fadin’ fast.Tonight I need that woman again
What I’d give for my baby to just walk in
Sit down beside me and say it’s alright
Take me home and make sweet love to me tonight.

But here I am again mixing misery and gin
Sittin’ with all my friends and talkin’ to myself
I look like I’m havin’ a good time but any fool can tell
That this honky tonk heaven really makes you feel like hell.

I light a lonely woman’s cigarette
We start talkin’ bout what we want to forget
Her life story and mine are the same
We both lost someone and only have ourselves to blame
But here I am again…