“My Infinite Love” is a heartfelt ballad by American country music artist George Strait, featured as the closing track on his twenty-second studio album, Honkytonkville, released on June 10, 2003.
The song was co-written by songwriters Annette Grossberg, Byron Hill, and Billy Yates. Byron Hill, a seasoned songwriter, has a history of collaborating with George Strait, notably co-writing Strait’s first number one single, “Fool Hearted Memory,” in 1982.
“My Infinite Love” is distinguished by its tender lyrics and emotive melody, encapsulating a timeless message of unwavering devotion. The song’s arrangement complements Strait’s smooth vocals, featuring gentle instrumentation that underscores the sincerity of the lyrics. Critics have noted that the song mines familiar territory for Strait—the tender, devotional love song—but it’s the details that count, and the way the song resonates with listeners.
While “My Infinite Love” was not released as a single, it has garnered appreciation from fans and is often highlighted as a standout track on the Honkytonkville album. The album itself received positive reviews for its return to traditional honky-tonk themes and was certified platinum by the RIAA.
Over the years, “My Infinite Love” has found a special place in the hearts of listeners, particularly as a popular choice for wedding ceremonies and romantic occasions, reflecting its themes of enduring love and commitment.
George Strait’s ability to convey deep emotion through straightforward lyrics and authentic delivery is exemplified in “My Infinite Love,” contributing to his reputation as one of country music’s most cherished artists.