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Ah, Toby Keith, a name synonymous with American grit, patriotism, and a whole lot of twang. This iconic country music artist carved his path throughout the 90s and 00s, becoming a legend for his unapologetic lyrics, catchy melodies, and a stage presence that could fill a stadium. But Keith wasn’t just a performer; he was a songwriter with a knack for capturing the essence of working-class America, its struggles, triumphs, and unique sense of humor.

One such song that exemplifies this perfectly is “The Critic,” released sometime in Keith’s vast discography (release year information for this specific song can be a little murky). Now, this isn’t your standard country ballad about lost love or a longing for simpler times. “The Critic” is a middle finger wrapped in a melody, a hilarious and defiant anthem for anyone who’s ever felt judged or underestimated.

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Imagine a barstool philosopher, a man weathered by life and unfazed by criticism. That’s the voice you hear in “The Critic.” Keith, with his signature gruff charm, takes aim at those who spend their days picking apart everything from music to fashion choices. The song is a playful jab at the self-proclaimed experts who forget that sometimes, the best things in life – a good song, a worn-out pair of jeans, a truck with a few dents – are all about the journey, not some pristine ideal.

“The Critic” isn’t just about amusement, though. It’s a reminder to stay true to yourself, to embrace your individuality, and not let the opinions of others dim your shine. Keith, throughout his career, was known for being fiercely independent, never afraid to buck trends and speak his mind. This rebellious spirit is woven into the fabric of “The Critic,” making it a relatable anthem for anyone who’s ever marched to the beat of their own drum.

While specifics on chart success or awards for this particular song might be elusive, “The Critic” perfectly encapsulates what made Toby Keith such a beloved artist. It’s a song that resonates with the everyday listener, a celebration of authenticity and a good-natured poke at those who take themselves a little too seriously. So, crank up the volume, put on your favorite pair of boots (or flip-flops, no judgment here!), and get ready to enjoy a slice of classic Toby Keith with “The Critic.”



“The Critic”

Tell it like it is…

He gets up real early on his mornin drive.
Down to the office for his 9 to 5.
He drives a 94, 2 ton, economy car.
Loves to tell the local bands down at the bar that he’s The Critic.

Yea, I can hook you up, I know everybody, in the business.

He flunked junior high band he couldn’t march in time.
He tried to write a song once, he couldn’t make it rhyme.
He went two or three chords on a pawn shop guitar, he just never quite had what it took to be a star, so he’s a critic.

I work for the Gazette man…I got a real job.

He did a 5-star column on a band he never heard.
He did a bluegrass review about an unkind word.
He thought it was time to ask his boss for a raise, his boss said I can’t even tell if anybody’s even readin your page.


So he thought…and he thought a little more.

He caught a young hot star headin into town, and then he hid behind his typewriter and gunned the boy down.
Here come the letters, the e-mails, the faxes, they raised him to 20,000 dollars after taxes.

He’s a happy critic…

He’s rollin in the dough…

Man I could do this forever…this is easy. Everybody’s readin my column!

Please don’t tell my mom, that I write the music column for the Gazette.
She still thinks I play piano down at the Cathouse.

Let’s get funky with this now boys…Play it on out.

Come on Shannon.

There’s ole Biff jumpin in.

?? is layin it down.

Come on Shannon.

Aww yea, my man Steve.

Man my fingers are gettin tired…y’all gonna have to hurry. This snappin thing…wearin me out.

Hello Shannon.

Guess he’s on coffee break man.

They’re gonna love you…cause they already love me.


It’s the Critic.