“What Now My Love” is a poignant ballad originally recorded by Elvis Presley in 1972 for his live television special, “Aloha from Hawaii.” The song, a translation of the French chanson “Et Maintenant” by Gilbert Bécaud and Pierre Delanoë, showcases Presley’s vocal prowess and emotional depth, solidifying his status as a master interpreter of love songs.
The song’s melancholic lyrics, penned by Carl Sigman, explore the devastating aftermath of a lost love. With lines like “What now my love, the music’s over, the party’s through” and “What now my love, the dreams we cherished, they’ve all come undone,” the song captures the raw pain and despair of a broken heart.
Presley’s rendition of “What Now My Love” is widely considered one of his finest vocal performances. His voice, rich with emotion and tinged with a hint of vulnerability, conveys the song’s message of heartbreak with raw honesty. The song’s inclusion in the “Aloha from Hawaii” special, which was broadcast to a global audience of over one billion viewers, further cemented its place in music history.
While not a commercially released single, “What Now My Love” has become a beloved classic among Presley fans and music enthusiasts alike. Its enduring popularity is a testament to the song’s timeless message of love, loss, and the complexities of human emotion. As one of the many facets of Elvis Presley’s illustrious career, “What Now My Love” stands as a poignant reminder of the King’s enduring legacy and his ability to connect with audiences on a deeply emotional level.