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“Where No One Stands Alone” is a gospel song originally performed by Elvis Presley, and it holds a special place in his discography as a reflection of his deep-rooted spiritual beliefs. The song was first released in 1967 as part of his gospel album How Great Thou Art, which marked a significant moment in Elvis’s career, emphasizing his love for gospel music, a genre he had been passionate about since childhood. Gospel music had always been an integral part of Presley’s life, with his early exposure coming from attending church services and listening to gospel quartets in his youth. This connection to spiritual music persisted throughout his career, despite being more widely known for his contributions to rock and roll.

“Where No One Stands Alone” is a gospel song that captures themes of faith, isolation, and the divine support offered through belief in God. The song was written by Mosie Lister, a prominent gospel songwriter, and its original version had been performed by various gospel groups before Elvis chose to record his rendition. Presley’s interpretation of the song added a personal, emotional depth, and his soulful delivery resonated with audiences beyond his typical fanbase.

The album How Great Thou Art, which includes this song, was one of Elvis’s most acclaimed gospel works, earning him his first Grammy Award in 1967 for Best Sacred Performance. This album, along with his other gospel projects, allowed Presley to explore a different side of his artistry, one that was spiritually significant to him and connected with his southern Christian upbringing.

While Elvis Presley is known for his role in the birth of rock and roll, songs like “Where No One Stands Alone” showcase his versatility and devotion to gospel music. In 2018, an album of the same title was released as a tribute, featuring reworked versions of some of Presley’s most iconic gospel songs, including a new duet of “Where No One Stands Alone” featuring his daughter, Lisa Marie Presley, blending modern production techniques with Elvis’s original vocals. This release renewed interest in the track and highlighted its enduring emotional impact.



“Where No One Stands Alone”

Once I stood in the night
With my head bowed low
In the darkness as black as could be
And my heart felt alone and I cried oh Lord
Don’t hide your face from meLike a king I may live in a palace so tall
With great riches to call my own
But I don’t know a thing
In this whole wide world
That’s worse than being alone
Hold my hand all the way, every hour every day
From here to the great unknown

Take my hand, let me stand
Where no one stands alone

Take my hand, let me stand
Where no one stands alone