“Woman Without Love” is a poignant ballad recorded by Elvis Presley on March 11, 1975, at RCA’s Studio C in Hollywood, California. The song was featured on his album “Today,” which was released in May 1975. Written by Jerry Chesnut, the track delves into themes of neglect and the emotional void experienced by a woman deprived of love.
The song’s origins trace back to 1968 when it was first recorded by country artist Bob Luman on September 16 of that year. Interestingly, while Luman’s rendition was the original recording, the first released version was by Johnny Darrell in November 1968, just days before Luman’s release. Jerry Chesnut, the songwriter, was known for penning several songs that Elvis would later record, including “T-R-O-U-B-L-E” and “Love Coming Down.”
Musically, “Woman Without Love” is rooted in the country genre, reflecting the mid-1970s trend where Elvis incorporated more country influences into his work. The recording session featured notable musicians such as James Burton and John Wilkinson on guitar, Duke Bardwell on bass, Ronnie Tutt on drums, and Glen D. Hardin on piano. Background vocals were provided by the group Voice, adding depth to the track’s emotional resonance.
Upon its release, the “Today” album received mixed reviews, with some critics praising Elvis’s vocal performance while others were less enthusiastic about certain song selections. “Woman Without Love” did not achieve significant commercial success as a standalone track and was not released as a single. However, it remains a testament to Elvis’s ability to convey deep emotion, capturing the essence of heartache and longing.
In the broader context of Elvis’s discography, “Woman Without Love” exemplifies his exploration of mature themes and his willingness to tackle complex emotional narratives. While it may not be among his most celebrated hits, the song offers insight into his artistic direction during the later years of his career, highlighting his continued commitment to storytelling through music.